Thursday 19 February 2009

Why do I do these things 2

I've been at it again. potentially ruining a situation between me and someone else not once but twice in one week. Not content with spoiling something good a few days ago, I found a way to cause more trouble. I'm not really going into the details here but everything did get a bit strange, with both sides refusing to blame each other. Yet we both know who is at fault. I would happily give anything for the situation to be better.

In happier news, it was a great night on monday. Even though I paid £3 to get into a party which I left after 30 mins due to the lack of partyness. I think I should ask for my money back.

The real fun began after we left. We ended up in a place that sold £1 drinks. I love the £1 chips offered at a nearby takeaway, but I'm liking £1 drinks even more. so we had quite a few. Then some random lass started staring at me. It makes a guy feel a bit out of place. so I left.

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